Root Cause – 06/20/2023

Root Cause Submission

June 20, 2023

Process Impacted

Manufacturer – Data Systems

Root Cause of Exception - Type

Master Data

Root Cause of Exception - Description

GLN/sGLN of a customer location was not communicated or was changed

What type of exception did/would result from the root cause? - Type

Product, No Data

What type of exception did/would result from the root cause? - Detailed

Due to the GLN/sGLN having changed, the file errors out when being sent to the customer

How frequently can the root cause be expected to occur if preventive action is not taken?

Frequently (daily, weekly, monthly)

How broad is the expected impact of the root cause?

Very Broad (e.g., likely to cause exceptions for entire lot or shipment)

What preventive actions can be taken to reduce the likelihood or impact of the root cause?

Define a process to communicate any new locations and/or changes to locations. This needs to be both internal between teams in a company and externally between trading partners.